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Learn more about the flag of India
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India's flag is a tricolor standard, with bands of saffron, white, and dark green.
  • The saffron represents courage, sacrifice, patriotism, and renunciation. It is also the color of the Hindu people.
  • The green stands for faith, fertility and the land; it is the color of the Islam religion.
  • The white is in the center, symoblizing the hope for unity and peace.

In the center of the white band is a blue wheel with 24 spokes. This is the Ashoka Chakra (or "Wheel of Law"). The Chakra represents the continuing progress of the nation and the importance of justice in life. It also appears on the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

The Indian flag was officially adopted on July 22, 1947 by the Constituent Assembly. The Indian flag code states that the flag should have a width to length ratio of 2 to 3. The saffron band must be on the top. In addition, the code requires that official Indian flags be made of handspun cloth.

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The creator of this site would like to thank:
The Government Of India for the information in their "Flag Code of 2002" fact sheet
The website of the Office of the Prime Minister of India (http://pmindia.nic.in/knowindia/flag.htm) for further information on the flag used in this site.