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Schools and Learning

Children in India go to many different kinds of schools. Schools in big cities or towns usually have more resources (like computers, microscopes, etc) then schools in small villages. But the Indian government requires all children to attend school until they are 14 years old and in 8th grade. Of course, many children go beyond that to finish secondary school and go off to college. Unfortunately, some children in India don't have the chance to go to school, either because their families need their help at home or because there is no school nearby.


Schools in India are organized a lot like schools in Europe or America. Kids start school in India at the age of 5 or 6. The first level of education is called primary school (grades 1-5). At 11, they move to a middle school for grades 6-8. After that, grades 9 and 10 make up secondary school. 11th and 12th grades are senior secondary school.

After 10th grade, a student can take an exam to show they have passed the secondary school level. This is enough for some kinds of jobs. A different test is given after 12th grade to show higher knowledge and go on to college.

India has many colleges and universities. Students can get Bachelors, Masters, or PH.D degrees. Many also go to technical schools to learn about industry. There are scholarships for some schools, but even the entrance standards are very competitive.


Indian children are in school for about 220 days every year. The school year is from July to April, with a long break at the end of the term. While in school, they study mathematics, sciences, history, and literature, among other things. Most larger schools have some classes in music or drawing as well.

One difference between schools in India and those in other parts of the world is the language. Because Indians speak so many languages, schools teach the more popular ones to all the students. In primary schools, children are taught in their regional language, the one that they hear every day and speak at home. English may also used. Different schools start at different times, but all schools have to start teaching English by 6th grade. By 10th grade, entire subjects may be in English only. But there is still one more language used in schools! Hindi is a national language of India. Most people speak Hindi, and it is used on television, in business, and in travel. So most of the states require schools to teach Hindi and hold some Hindi-only classes! This means that many students will finish secondary school knowing 3 languages very well.

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The creator of this site would like to thank:
The Indian Ministry of Education (http://www.education.nic.in) for information about the organization of schools and curriculum.